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How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

A woman receiving dermal fillers in her jawline from her aesthetician to sculpt and define the chin and jawline.

Plump lips. Create contours. Restore volume. Diminish facial lines. Dermal fillers are growing in popularity for a reason. In the realm of medical aesthetics, dermal fillers have gained immense popularity as a nonsurgical solution for enhancing facial features and minimizing signs of aging. While this is a popular treatment, not everyone knows what to expect […]

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Microneedling for Acne Scars: What You Need to Know

A woman receiving a microneedling treatment for acne scars from a licensed aesthetician.

Struggling with acne scars can be a frustrating and disheartening experience. While these scars are perfectly normal, if reducing the look of them could make you feel more confident in your own skin, you have options!  Microneedling has become an increasingly popular treatment for acne scars in recent years, and for good reason. This minimally […]

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Can Chemical Peels Make Skin Worse?

A woman laying down smiling, receiving a chemical peel to smooth and brighten her skin

Chemical peels can boost your confidence and give you healthier-looking skin. Reducing scars, acne, and uneven skin tone can help you love the way you look.  With the word “chemical,” it’s natural to question if this treatment can damage your skin. Before you book an appointment, learn more about chemical peels, including what they are […]

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What Are the Benefits of Microneedling with PRP?

A woman with her eyes closed receiving a microneedling treatment from a medial aesthetician

If you share one of our pastimes—getting absorbed in the beauty corner of TikTok—you may have heard of microneedling with PRP, or platelet-rich plasma. But it’s not just the latest trend in skincare. It’s a tried and tested therapy that’s been used for decades in sports medicine and orthopedics. Today, it’s making waves in the […]

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